ORTHOSPINUM provides a wide range of treatments focusing on spinal treatment. Dr Oetke analyses the potential for conservative procedures on a case-by-case basis, and decides when surgery is required. Wherever possible, all treatments are performed by Dr Oetke on site to ensure patients require as few appointments as possible. The following procedures are available:
Special spinal therapy
Are you having spinal pain? Well targeted injections (infiltrations) are primarily used when painkillers and physiotherapy have proven unsuccessful. The use of hyaluronic acid has proven particularly successful in restoring mobility and quality of life in patients with osteoarthritis of the small joints of the spine (facet joints). Anti-inflammatory medications (PRP, steroids) are only used when there is an accompanying inflammation.
When disc hernation or spinal stenosis is related to servere compression of nerve structures and causing pain radiating to the upper and lower extremities anti-inflammatory medication is injected around the affected nerve structures. This often enables us to significantly reduce pain in a short period and often avoid further surgerys.
Radiofrequency therapy (thermal denervation)
In radiofrequency therapy or thermal denervation of the small vertebral joints (facet joints) or sacroiliac joints, the transmission of the pain signals from the place of formation (vertebral joints) to the brain is interrupted by heating the pain fibers. In this way, the local complaints on the spine can be significantly reduced.
Laser therapy of intevertebral disc (PLDD)
The term PLDD stands for Percutaneous Laser Disc Decompression. This is a modern and minimally invasive procedure for the treatment of small herniated discs. Laser beams cause the core of the damaged disc to shrink, reducing pressure on the affected nerves and providing timely pain relief.
General pain management
You are not at the mercy of your pain! No matter what illness you are suffering from, effective pain management can help you to regain greater mobility and improve your quality of life. If necessary, we use different procedures or develop a multi-stage therapy concept for you. In the first stage, for example, it is possible to reduce pain using anti-inflammatory medications, infusions or local injections. The goal of the second stage is to build up and strengthen the dynamic trunc stabilisers using targeted physiotherapy. However, it is always important to find out what is causing the problems in order to achieve lasting, sustainable success.
Acupuncture is one of the oldest treatments in the world. It is based on the concept of life energy: According to Chinese medicine, if your flow is disrupted, it will lead to various illnesses. Using fine needles, the acupuncturist tries to release the blockages and restore the balance.
According to studies, acupuncture helps with things such as chronic lumbar spine complaints and osteoarthritis-related knee pain. It is, however, also used for other illnesses or in combination with other procedures such as electro or magnetic field therapy.
Shockwave treatment
Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) is a modern form of therapy. The objective of shockwave therapy in orthopedic and pain therapy is to treat the inflammation and injuries to muscles, tendons and bones, and to thereby effectively alleviate or eliminate the discomfort. It has been alleviating orthopedic problems for around 20 years.
The effectiveness and safety of this type of therapy have been scientifically proven. Good to very good results are achieved in 50 – 85% of cases. The most common orthopedic problems that shockwave therapy successfully treats are tendon inserted inflammation of the elbow (tennis elbow), foot fascia with or without bone osteophytes (heel spurs), shoulder issues caused by calcification (calcified shoulder), Achilles tendon (peritindinitis), as well as delayed or non-healing bone fractures.
Chirotherapy is based on the assumption that the misalignment or blockage of individual joints are behind almost all physical complaints. The restoration of joint function can also alleviate complex symptoms.
Many musculoskeletal system complaints can be traced back to blockages of the small vertebral joints. For example, a stiff neck or sore lumbar can be treated with targeted manual therapy.
Magnetic field therapy
Magnetic field therapy is used to improve the circulation of the smallest blood vessels. This should then stimulate the immune system and self-healing process. Sports injuries heal faster or are prevented from even occurring in the first place. This form of physical vascular treatment is a particularly gentle therapy which can either be used in isolation or together with other methods as a complementary treatment as part of a holistic therapeutic approach.
Hyaluronic acid therapy
Hyaluronic acid is created by the inner lining of the joints and acts as a lubricant and shock absorber. In the case of osteoarthritis, injecting hyaluronic acid reduces the rubbing of the joints and improves the shock-absorbing function. This thereby counteracts further wear and tear. The results of many studies have shown that hyaluronic acid significantly reduces typical osteoarthritis symptoms over months, sometimes even over years.
Molecular orthopedics (PRP)
Molecular orthopedics is a gentle procedure with few side effects which is used for osteoarthritis or muscle and tendon injuries. It stops the degeneration process of the joints and speeds up the healing process after soft tissue trauma. Mobility and quality of life are significantly improved.
A few millilitres of the patient’s own blood are removed and then put into the centrifuge. This produces a platelet-rich plasma (PRP), which is injected into the affected joints or injured muscles and tendons. The growth factors contained within the blood strengthen the body’s own healing processes.
Physiotherapy comprises different procedures such as massages, equipment training and lymphatic drainage. They are used either on their own or in combination to heal or mobilise the affected part of the musculoskeletal system. Physiotherapy helps with many acute and chronic complaints, but is also used in prevention or for surgical aftercare.
Surgery on the spine
At ORTHOSPINUM in Munich, Dr Oliver Oetke, owner and medical director, is a highly specialised spine surgeon with over 12 years of experience in this field, which allows him to precisely analyse your existing spinal problem. Dr Oetke will work with you in a quiet and informative atmosphere to select the best procedure from the variety of modern spinal surgical techniques, whether they be minimally invasive or tissue-conserving procedures or open surgery.